Well100 Healthy Lifestyle • Exercise • Diets • Travel • Joy 


Well100 Healthy Lifestyles, Exercise, Diets, Travel, and Joy.

To have the goal of a healthy life span is to respect the gift of life.

In the village of Ogimi, located north of Okinawa’s main island, there’s a small stone marker reading

“80 you are merely a youth . . . 

90 your ancestors invite you to heaven, you say wait until you are . . . 

100 . . . then, you might consider it.”

The Mystery of Life isn't a Problem to Solve, but a Reality to Experience...The Book of Dune, Author Frank Herbert 


The information on the Well100.org  website is intended for educational use.  

It should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health professional.