Top 20 Countries for Longest Life Span
Top 20 Longest Life Span Countries
Peaceful, Relaxed, Seafood, Many Mediterranean,
*ALL HAVE National Universal Health Care
Hong Kong 84.9 - Universal Health Care
Japan 84.6 - Universal Health Care
Switzerland 83.8 - Universal Health Care
Singapore 83.6 - Universal Health Care
Spain 83.5 - Universal Health Care
Italy 83.4 - Universal Health Care
Australia 83.4 - Universal Health Care
Iceland 83.0 - Universal Health Care
Israel 83 - Universal Health Care
South Korea 83.0 - Universal Health Care with and Tobacco Surcharges
Sweden 82.8 - Universal Health Care
France 82.7 - Universal Health Care
Malta 82.5 - Universal Health Care
Norway 82.4 - Universal Health Care
Canada 82.4 - Universal Health Care
Ireland 82.3 - In the Process of Creating Universal Health Care
Netherlands 82.3 - Universal Health Care
New Zealand 82.3 - Universal Health Care
Luxembourg 82.3 - Universal Health Care
Greece 82.2 - Universal Health Care
USA Ranks 47th in The World in 2023 Falling 10 positions due to Heart Disease, Cancer, Covid, Gun Homicides, Obesity & Diabetes
just below Barbados and above Lebanon
*The United States is too poor of a country to afford Universal Health Care according to Republicans in Congress. Due to the US Trump Tax cut for the wealthy which exploded US debt from 20 to 28 Trillion during Trump's four years is still growing at the end of 2023 up $5 more Trillion to $33 Trillion. Many Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Republicans have NO Desire to put Taxes Back to the pre-Trump period.
The United States Constitution does not set forth an explicit right to health care.
A common criticism of universal health care is that the overall quality and variety of care declines...but the USA is ranked 37th in the WORLD...?
In 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his State of the Union address, advanced his idea of a "Second Bill of Rights" which would include "the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health".